WHAT IS ENERGY HEALING?Energy healing helps to cleanse, harmonize, and balance the flow of energy within the body and mind. It releases blockages and stress, both mental and physical. This practice aids in regulating the energy throughout the body and allows for its free circulation. When the flow of energy is restored and smooth, the body uses its own resources to self-regulate and heal.
This can relieve certain physical or emotional pain and bring about mental calmness, inner peace, and overall well-being. Vital energy is revitalized. When illness is present in the body, it is important to combine energy healing with conventional or natural treatments, depending on the situation. Treatments can be provided in person or remotely. |
What Can Be Treated with Energy Healing?Physically, energy healing can relieve:
Psychologically, energy healing can, while respecting individual free will:
Energy healing can also accelerate physical recovery and highlight solutions that guide us back on our path to evolution, facilitating transformation. It helps us return to our true selves, living in complete harmony with our deep aspirations. |
SYNERGIE SACRÉE TREATMENTA Synergie Sacrée treatment is a conversation with your soul. This protocol cleanses and rebalances the chakras, removes blockages, and allows energy to flow. The energetic bodies are also purified to prevent future disturbances in the physical body. This deep treatment is very comprehensive and assists on physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
LAHOCHI TREATMENTLahochi is a highly powerful energy healing technique transmitted through hand placement. It is a spiritual energy with very high vibrational frequencies that allows access to and integration of subtle healing energies.
Lahochi restructures and balances the subtle bodies of the being, especially when there has been trauma in the emotional body. The practitioner becomes a channel and sends the healing energy to one or more specific areas on the patient. |
551, rue Berry, #101, Lachute, QC, J8H 1S4
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